Have you ever squelched the Holy Spirit? Have you ever had a God-Sized Dream stir in your heart and thought, "I could never do that", or "come on, God, give me another sign...you want me to do WHAT?" Looking back at the last 3 years of my life and seeing how God has laid everything out to bring me to this moment has been so miraculous! Here is the "Readers Digest" version...
My love for helping people with cancer started in Pharmacy School following several families with kids with cancer on Caringbridge. I had always felt so helpless so I sent random notes and gifts to brighten their days but honestly, I was mad reading the posts. I knew the statistics that one in two men and one in three women will get cancer in their lifetime. I felt that our country was moving further and further away from getting to the root of the problem or helping people. I knew there was a better way. Using what God intended for our bodies to help improve outcomes or achieve a better quality of life was gnawing at me even 10 years ago!
Remember the mom of the kiddo with cancer (from the 'About Michala' Section) that asked me how long I had known what I knew and why I didn't tell her sooner? My life was forever changed by her courage, and I vowed the day I received the message to never hear of anyone who was diagnosed with cancer again without sharing what I know or giving resources that I know could help.
Fast forward from that message 3 years and countless people have been helped by just a few simple, yet life giving changes. However, I have been helping people one by one by one, and I was feeling called to change that.
In November of 2017, I did 7 calls for stage 3 or 4 cancer patients or their families in 6 days and while I LOVED talking with all of them, I found myself drained and wondering if this was the path God wants me on. I had a what I call a "HYK" (Hit Your Knees) Moment with God the night of the 7th call and prayed, "God, if this is the path you want me on, I need a Gideon Moment." For those that don't know, in Judges 6: 34-40 Gideon bartered with God saying, "if you will save Israel by my hand as you have promised I will place a wool fleece on the threshing floor. If there is dew only on the fleece and all the ground is dry, then I will know that you will save Israel by my hand, as you said." And that is just what happened. Gideon rose early the next and squeezed the dew-covered fleece and filled a bowl full of water...but it wasn't good enough...It could have been a coincidence, right? We have all had many of those moments! Then, Gideon said to God, "Do not be angry with me. Let me make just one more request. Allow me one more test with the fleece, but this time, make the fleece dry and let the ground be covered with dew." You guessed it, God delivered. Only the fleece was dry and all the ground was covered with dew. Pretty darn amazing and one of my favorite passages in the Old Testament!
I was on the lookout for a Gideon Moment but never imagined He would show me the way so soon...
The next morning I woke up at 3am to catch a flight to Dallas where I would see God's true mercy and attend a retreat at a ranch where the mission is to help restore women who have been enslaved in the sex traffic industry. I had only gotten 2 hours of sleep and thought I was too exhausted to even talk with anyone on the plane, which was very unusual for me. That was until I met the most amazing, wise woman that sat next to me. I felt compelled to introduce myself even before buckling up and asked her what brought her from Alaska to Nebraska. She said without reservation that she had breast cancer--talk about brave! When she asked me what I do as a profession, I gave the standard answer and then added, "but my real passion is helping educate people with cancer about how nutrition can impact their quality of life." She replied in the sweetest voice ever, "Oh honey, tell me everything you know." We laughed and cried on that too short flight and I met a friend for life. Talk about a life-changer for both her and I! When we landed, I gave her a big hug, smiled, and looked up and thanked God for the only Gideon Moment I thought I needed...until...
One of the seven calls that I had done the prior week was with the most God-filled man I possibly have ever met. His wife died last year of breast cancer and he was diagnosed 6 weeks prior with stage iv glioblastoma. He has 3 beautiful kids and was doing a facebook live singing and playing 'Amazing Grace' within a day of having brain surgery. Talk about a testimony!! His goal is to Glorify God throughout his entire journey and boy is he succeeding! I had only talked to him one or two times on the phone but had followed him on Facebook so knew what he looked like. Coming back from the retreat, our plane was delayed so I was leisurely walking down the concourse of the Dallas International Airport. Who do you think was coming right at me?? I stopped right in the middle of the airport just starring ahead not believing my eyes. The Dallas Airport is HUGE and what are the chances? I introduced myself, we chatted a bit, exchanged a quick hug, and I walked away smiling again realizing that God had definitely given me Gideon Moment number 2 like I had requested! You would think that it couldn't get any more clear, right? Well, God gave me Gideon Moment number 3 knowing I can be kind of hard-headed and not pick up the signals the first or second time. Have you ever been there?
Since the first plane ride went so well, I decided that I was never going to have the awkward plane experience again and was always going to introduce myself right away. I am sure you know the experience I am talking about. I used to feel a pull to say something and engage in a proper human experience instead of reading a book, staring out the window, or looking at an electronic device, but didn't say anything right away. The whole flight I told myself stories about what I should have said, and, finally I got the courage to say something, anything, and was always glad I did because I believe that everyone that crosses my path can teach me something! Sorry...bunny trail! Back to Gideon Moment Number 3...
I introduced myself right away to yet another nice lady on the plane. We quickly bonded and she told me she was flying from Kentucky to Nebraska to audit a residency program. I asked her what she did for an occupation and she said that she is a pharmacist that is auditing an oncology residency program...WAIT, WHAT??? We chatted the whole way about the lack of nutrition knowledge we get in pharmacy or medical school and I made another like-minded friend. I was stunned that in just 3 days, God had given me not one (which would have been plenty) signs but 3! I asked for a Gideon Moment and He provided! So, you would have thought that that would have been enough, huh? Nope, remember the hard-headed talk? I pick a word every year to focus on and my word for 2018 is IMPACT. I am on a mission to Impact as many lives possible in this lifetime and was STILL wracking my brain on exactly how to do that. It wasn't until 3 weeks after the "Gideon Trip" that I was talking to a business partner and she said, "Wow, you really light up when you talk about the people you are helping through their cancer journey; I think you should share your passion." DUH!!! Why hadn't I thought of that??
That day, Striding Thru Cancer was born. We live in a Drive Thru Era and I hope that you find education, inspiration, and a little humor in stopping by this website and Facebook page amidst the craziness on your cancer journey. I remember so well the emotions when my grandma was diagnosed...it was one of the darkest days of my life. But I saw first hand and have seen in so many others, the power of nutrition, prayer, and a positive attitude. The Hope that you get from this site is nothing compared to the Hope that we all have in Jesus and my prayer is that He is glorified as I share my heart with you all!